August 20, 2016


How do I obtain a copy of my divorce decree?

To request a copy of your divorce decree please visit our Records Search page and complete the “Records Search Request” form to formally submit your request.  If you need cause number assistance please call the District Clerk’s office at (254) 582-4042.

Where do I pay my traffic ticket?

The Hill County District Clerk’s office does not keep records of traffic tickets.  Please contact the law enforcement agency that issued the ticket.  This information it typically found on the ticket the officer provided to you.

How do I get a divorce?

The Hill County District Clerk’s office strongly recommends you contact an attorney for guidance.  If you choose to pursue a divorce without the assistance of an attorney, Texas Law Help may provide the answers you need.

How do I get a copy of a birth certificate, marriage license or death certificate?

These records are not stored with the District Clerk.  Please contact the Hill County Clerk at 254-582-4030.